How to order

Click on the basket icon on the asset thumbnail or item details page to add an asset to your basket. You can also click on the thumbnail plus icon to select multiple assets then click on the plus icon to the right of the search bar and select ‘add to basket.’

Once the items are in your basket you can order them by selecting the larger basket icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.

This icon will have a badge indicating how many items are currently in the basket.

In the following pop-up dialogue:

  • Select ‘order’ to proceed to the order page, or
  • Select the cross (X) to close the dialogue and continue searching for/selecting items to add to the basket, or
  • Select the cross (X) in the top right-hand corner of a thumbnail image to remove a single item from the basket or, select clear basket to empty the basket.

On the order page each item is listed by item number, and you can see the caption; mandatory credit; location; and permitted usage for each asset.

Use the dropdown selector to choose the most appropriately-sized media for your project. You cannot change your media size/format selection after an order has been submitted.

Fill in the planned usage field, agree to the terms and conditions then select ‘place order’ to submit an order.

You will then receive an email when you order is ready to download.